Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hydrogen System Architecture and Software Demo

The variability of wind and solar energy sources presents a challenge for meeting electrical load requirements. Isotherm Energy has developed a system architecture for addressing this challenge that provides energy storage, potable water, and hydrogen fuel production. The architecture enables tailoring of system parameters to meet specific application requirements using current and emerging technologies.

Click here to view a demonstration of the software

Isotherm Energy is developing a suite of software tools to simulate, analyze and design systems based on our hydrogen storage system architecture. The software allows selection of various input energy sources, water sources, biomass and other inputs. Subsequent screens allow the selection of options for hydrogen production, storage, byproducts, power generation, heat recovery, power output, excess hydrogen, and water management.

Once the architecture options are selected, the software generates a system model that incorporates all the chosen parameters. The system model calculates all energy and mass flows between subsystems along with heat available for recovery and improved overall system performance. Note that all system flows are driven by the load following function of the power management and distribution (PMAD) subsystem and calculated accordingly.


The system model has an optional time stamp capability for the conditions being simulated. When the “Save Conditions” button is clicked, all of the parameters associated with the time stamped simulation are stored for subsequent transient analysis. In this manner, a sequence of simulated hours, days, weeks or a full year can be automatically generated and investigated. Every parameter of the system can then be adjusted using built-in optimization tools to meet the performance goals over any timeframe of interest.

The software also provides complete flexibility in the selection of system variables such as electrical load and energy inputs. These can be a constant number at a given timestamp, a historical profile, a statistical distribution over a time averaged period, a stochastic probabilistic algorithm (e.g. Monte Carlo), or some other user defined method.

New capabilities under development include:
  • Detailed subsystem and component models
  • Drop-in capability for existing and emerging technologies
  • Comparison to other storage options (e.g. batteries, compressed air, pumped hydro, etc.)
  • Capital/operating expenditures, payback period, levelized cost of energy and other financial

Matt Moran is the Managing Member at Moran Innovation, and previous Managing Partner at Isotherm Energy. He's been developing power and propulsion systems since 1982. Matt was also the Sector Manager for Energy & Materials in his last position at NASA where he worked for 31 years. He's been involved in seven technology based start-ups; and provided R&D and engineering support to many industrial, government and research organizations.  More about Matt here